Car Repair Shops and Auto Body Shops
Food Service and Hospitality Sectors
Greenhouses and Farms
Gyms and Swimming Pools
Industrial Facilities and Factories
Large Environments
Offices and Laboratories
Places of Worship
Showrooms and Exhibition Halls
Sport Arenas, Tennis and Padel Courts
Storage Warehouses and Logistics Facilities
Supermarkets and Shops
Woodworking Shops and Tanneries

Adiabatic Evaporative Cooling

Evaporative cooling is a modern and ecological process that’s capable of improve the summertime micro-climate within production environments without using any refrigerants or fuels.
The adiabatic air saturation system offers an energy-efficient way to continuously introduce new air into the environment.
The air is filtered and purified thanks to the evaporative cooling pack.
The evaporative cooling system is ideal for industrial environments, and large retail, sports, and agricultural areas.