AKN Series

You can find our AKN Series, gas condensing boiler with water fan heater, in the example of an installation in a warehouse by clicking on the video below. This model is designed to be installed outdoors, it avoid the use of spaces within the environment; in this case in combination with our Queen destratificator and 

2024-08-06T17:19:34+02:00July 25, 2024|Categories: news -en|Tags: , |

AH Series

You can find our AH Series, modular condensing heating unit, in the example of an installation in a supermarket, which highlights that it can be mounted on the roof or floor, in this case in combination with our Queen destratificator, by clicking on the video below. We remind you that they can be regulated by

2024-07-25T18:00:25+02:00July 16, 2024|Categories: news -en|Tags: , , |


You can find our KONDENSA LK, wall-mounted condensing warm air heaters, in the example of an installation in a car showroom with horizontal or vertical flue, by clicking on the video below. We remind you that they can be regulated by our chronothermostats Smart X Easy or Smart X Web, for complete remote and control

2024-07-25T18:03:51+02:00July 2, 2024|Categories: news -en|Tags: , , |

Water Waste

Apen Group has worked to improve the production process by eliminating processes that use Polluting Water, and today uses the Water Resource for mainly domestic purposes. Despite this, it conducts responsible management of the resource by carrying out an annual analysis of Waste Water to ensure that no pollutants are released due to detergents or

2024-06-17T10:37:13+02:00June 25, 2024|Categories: news -en|Tags: , |

Waste Management

Waste Management is essential for protecting the environment and safeguarding our health. Apen Group undertakes to control and monitor waste management with separate waste collection, storage and disposal and performs a close analysis of every single waste, assigning the analyses of individual pieces of waste to a laboratory. Aware of the importance of the concept

2024-06-17T10:14:13+02:00June 18, 2024|Categories: news -en|Tags: , |

Organisational, Management and Control Model

Since 2013, Apen Group has adopted an Organisation, Management and Control Model pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/2001 to prevent and combat the risk of committing the crimes envisaged by the Decree, including the risk of crimes committed against natural persons, as well as crimes environmental and corruption crimes. The adoption of this model does not

2024-06-10T11:53:51+02:00June 11, 2024|Categories: news -en|Tags: , |

DLL file for PCH

Apen Group is continuously making significant Improvements to its products in order to always guarantee the best possible Quality, to ensure an updated product and to improve the use and installation of products. We introduce you the new update of DLL file of our gas module PCH Series. The DLL File is intended to allow

2024-06-05T10:58:27+02:00June 6, 2024|Categories: news -en|Tags: , , , |


The management of Apen Group and control over the accounting administration are exercised through a traditional corporate governance system which includes a Board of Directors, a Board of Statutory Auditors and a Shareholders Meeting. Here the main and additional governance tools adopted: the Apen Group Articles of Association which, in addition to describing the activity

2024-06-07T17:07:57+02:00June 4, 2024|Categories: news -en|Tags: , |
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